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The Brush of Presence

IMG 9732 1

Writer &Director: Mohamad Qanbari

Director of Photography: Majid Abolqasem

Editor: Pantea Bayat Mokhtari


Sound recorder:

Sound Mixer: Vahid Kordlou

Production Manager: Kaveh Sheibany

Producer: Pantea Bayat Mokhtari

Production Company:

Shooting Format: HD

Ratio: Persian/English

Documentary – color –  70mins– Iran


This documentary film is a portrait movie that emphasized to Ahmad Vakili’s biography, quotes, and thoughts as an Iranian visual artist.


Mohamad Qanbari

Date of birth 10/28/1975

Mohamad Qanbari is a director, writer, researcher  and  teacher,

currently lives in Tehran,

Mohamad has several film senarious ,

some of which already has been started  and actually in progress

While he is also researcher in philosophical fields and

likes Human Resourse tasks , beside to do.


Director's note

The human attempt to find or make the meaning of life. Exactly, these centuries that are called modern and post-modern eras.

For many people, the previous meanings of life are demeaned. They are living in a world where suffering by lack of meaning.

He is attempting to search some valuable things in history and current stories.

But The farther he goes, the less he finds

If we assume that the mankind is the same by his thoughts and in the other side, existence is a feeling into the mind. So conclude if we want to know about human, his life, meaning of life or existence we have to think about thinking.

The question is how do the human think?

So we studied

Ahmad Vakili and we are guided to the Deeper layers of meaning. Those depend on the culture, history, geographic areas and …

For understanding these concepts, we need some fundamental philosophical concepts such as archetypes.

So, an Iranian person wants to research on himself, he has to study three fundamental topics. Poetry and Literature, Image and Elegy

“The Image” define how do the people observation and how to represent.



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  • #1, Nilofar Alley, Amirnia St. Khosroabadi Ave. N.Majidiyeh. Tehran .Iran
  • +98 9126268775
  • info@7thartfilms.ir
  • 7thart.ifd@gmail.com